Can You Really Lose Weight With Noom Diet Plan?

Noom Diet Weight Loss App Reviews

Whats Noom Diet?

The Noom Diet is a modern approach to dieting that uses a phone app to connect you to a supportive network to help weight loss. And from personal accounts like this the Noom diet works But more important, this community-based approach may not only help you lose weight, but keep it off, according to experts.(usatoday.com)

It's no secret that the fad diet plans tend to backfire. Building new healthy living habits is what leads to lasting change and long life well-being. Sign in to Noom, a weight loss app and personalized meal planning service with million of users is one of the most searched diets on Google. Despite being super trendy, Noom is all about making long-term changes to achieve your weight loss goals.
But it is worth it? Like any diet plan Noom still has its pros and cons. Here is what you should know before downloading it.
Weight Loss with Noom Diet

Research behind the Noom diet

The Noom app tries to change the behavior of users in the long run. Since Noom is relatively new, there are not many studies evaluating how effective Noom is. A 2016 study published in Scientific Reports, however, found that approximately 78% of the 35,921 participants taking Noom lost weight over an 18-month period. Noom appears to help people lose weight over a 6-month period and getting feedback from their support group encourages people to log their meals more often on the app.

Like other diets, Noom is not free. When you sign up, you have lots of payment options starting with an annual membership or a monthly plan. What distinguishes Noom from other weight loss apps is its access to support groups.

How Does Noom Diet Work?

Noom's health and wellness program is no ordinary diet. The Noom program is an app designed by behavioral psychologists that aims to help people lose weight for good. how did they do this? By providing content and guidelines that help people develop healthier habits. Unlike most programs that target weight loss, you don't have to eliminate any food or food group.

The app asks a series of questions about your lifestyle and goals, and uses this information to generate customized content and guides. But the noom app doesn't just provide information about food options. The app provides information on healthy habits and also offers quizzes, which are designed as part of the education of those who use the program. It's easier to make and maintain healthy lifestyle changes if they're based on knowledge. By making this knowledge accessible and enjoyable, the noom program addresses another aspect of weight loss that other health and fitness programs have not done.

Noom does create a calorie budget that is based on the information you provide on your profile. You then manually enter the foods you eat, which are subtracted from your daily calorie target. The app will sync with your phone's Health app to record your physical activity and exercise. The Noom app has food training and education aspects compared to the Weight Watchers points system. The Noom Diet program color-codes foods according to their nutrient density. While there are no "forbidden" foods, the app tells you whether they're Green, Yellow, or Red.

The Noom Diet Changes Your View on Healthy Lifestyle

What's interesting about Noom, in particular, is that the program relies on the ingredients needed to lose weight, seeing what you eat and how much you move, while also tying in a psychological component and daily accountability.

After you sign up for the program and pay for it, the app asks for a little personal information, as well as a weight goal and a few other personal goals. You'll then connect with a weight loss coach and embark on an educational journey that includes everything from mindful eating to identifying triggers that are distracting from goals.

Each day has approximately 5 to 10 minutes of reading and quizzes, with the goal of reconfiguring the way you think about food and exercise. You'll also interact with the health coach along the way. While the initial interactions appear to be generated and book-like, these interactions become more personal as you dive deeper into the program.

You're also asked to weigh yourself daily, log your food intake, and include any exercise you completed outside of walking. The steps are recorded for you via your smartphone or step tracker and are calculated accordingly.
Ultimately, Noom's goal is to help you reframe the way you think about food, exercise, and weight management in ways that mean a lifelong change versus fad dieting.

Is The Noom Diet Safe?

Noom diet is safe for anyone to try. Noom provides a minimum number of calories per day, encouraging people not to restrict food in unsafe or unhealthy ways.
It uses evidence-based behavior change and smart trainers to help people set and achieve their weight goals.

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