Best Diet For Weight Loss According To Science

Real Science of Weight Loss

        There are lots of ways to lose weight naturally and quickly. However, most of them will leave you hungry and disgruntled. If you don't have a strong will, then hunger will make you give up on this plan quickly.
There are ways to lose weight that have been scientifically proven to work. No one ever wondered if it worked. It is based on indisputable science, as reliable as the law of gravity. It has never failed. If you eat this scientifically proven way to lose weight, you can have complete confidence that you will lose weight, just as you know that everything falls, not rises, when you let go. You may even learn how to avoid it.
Best Diet For Weight Loss According To Science

Here are Weight Loss Science Tips That Are Actually Based on Evidence

Drink Water, Especially Before Eating
Drinking plain water can really help you lose weight. Drinking water can increase metabolism by 24% to 30% over a period of one to an hour and a half, helping you burn more calories.
One study showed that drinking half a liter (17 ounces) of water about half an hour before a meal helped dieters eat fewer calories and lose 44% more weight.

Eat Eggs For Breakfast
Eating eggs can have all manner of benefits, including helping you lose weight.
Studies show that replacing a whole-grain breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours and lose more weight and more body fat. If you can't eat eggs for some reason, that's fine. Any quality protein source for breakfast should work.

Eat a lot of fiber
Dietary fiber describes plant-based carbohydrates that are impossible to digest in the small intestine, unlike sugar and starch. Including lots of fiber in your diet can increase feelings of fullness, which can potentially lead to weight loss. Foods rich in fiber include:
- peas, beans, and beans
- fruits and vegetables
- nuts and seeds
- whole grain breakfast cereals, whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, oats, barley and rye

Cut down on your calories
In order to lose weight at a rate that will satisfy you, you should reduce your calorie intake by about half, (1000 for women). When you're starting out, you'll find that many of the things you eat are too high in calories to fit within that budget. In my method, we develop strict eating habits during the week and more freely on weekends, so the average ends up at an effective rate.

That way, you don't have to give up on the things that you love. It's a matter of choice, choosing the best way to spend the budget on a weekday or weekend. Dieting is something we can't wait to stop, so we can get back to "normal", overeating and getting back. My way is way better, something we look forward to enjoying every day.

Reduce Sugar and Starch
The most important part is cutting down on sugar and starch/carbs.
These are the foods that stimulate the secretion of insulin the most. In case you didn't already know, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. When insulin drops, fat is more easily released from fat stores and the body starts burning fat instead of carbohydrates.

The benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys flush excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight. It's not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds in the first week eating this way, both body fat and water weight

This is a chart from a study comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in overweight/obese women
the low-carb group ate until they were full, while the low-fat group was calorie-restricted and hungry.
Cut down on carbohydrates, lower your insulin and you'll start eating fewer calories automatically and without feeling hungry. Simply put, lowering insulin means fat loss on "autopilot".

Drink coffee
Coffee has been hated unfairly. Quality coffee is full of antioxidants and can have many health benefits.
The caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3% to 11% and increase fat burning by 10% to 29%. Just make sure NOT to add a lot of sugar or other high calorie ingredients to it. That will negate any benefit you may get from coffee.

Eat with mindfulness
Mindful eating is a practice in which people pay close attention to how and where they eat. This practice can enable you to enjoy the foods they eat and maintain a healthy weight. 
Because most people lead busy lives, they often tend to eat quickly on the way, in the car, working at their desks, and watching TV. As a result, many people are barely aware of the foods they eat.

Techniques for eating mindfully include:
Sit down to eat, preferably at the table: Observe the food and enjoy the experience.
Eat slowly: Take time to chew and enjoy your food. This technique aids weight loss, as it gives a person's brain enough time to recognize the signal that they are full, which can help prevent overeating.
Avoiding distractions while eating: Do not turn on the TV, or laptop or phone.
Make food choices that are considered: Choose foods that are full of nourishing nutrients and that will satisfy you for hours rather than minutes.

When we're hungry, it can be hard to resist processed foods, which are not good for waistlines and can cause cancer.
Plan ahead by cutting vegetables and preparing meals before you go hungry.
Having a daily plan makes healthy eating more achievable.

Drink Green Tea
Green tea has many benefits, one of which is to lose weight. Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine, but it is also loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins, which are also believed to work synergistically with caffeine to increase fat burning.
Although the evidence is mixed, there are many studies showing that green tea (either as a beverage or as a green tea extract supplement) can help you lose weight.

Exercise in the morning.
People who exercise in the morning on an empty stomach can burn up to 20% more body fat during their workout, because they have to use more of the stored fat as fuel.
Exercising on an empty stomach won't increase your appetite (although the scientists behind the study gave study participants a chocolate-flavored recovery drink right after their morning workout).
The benefits of regular exercise do not end at our waistlines. Exercise has also been shown to provide incredible health benefits: it can help prevent depression and keep your heart, lungs, and mind healthy into old age.

It is important to remember that there is no quick fix when it comes to losing weight.
The best way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is by eating a nutritious, balanced diet.
This should include 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, good quality protein and whole grains. Exercising at least 30 minutes every day is also useful.

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