Tips for Weight Loss After 40

Simple Tips of Weight Loss After 40

       When the 40s come, it has many benefits, such as wisdom gained, increased self-awareness, and confidence. To be honest, it was difficult to get used to some of the physical changes. The big problem is a drop in metabolism, which can make weight maintenance and weight loss more challenging. Lose weight after 40 is not impossible. You can actually lose weight at any age, and do so while optimizing your overall health.
So it's no wonder why so many people over the age of 40 eventually hit the weight loss wall.
The Secrets to Losing Weight After 40

      One of the reasons it's so hard to lose weight in your 40s is that you start to lose muscle mass, which changes the composition of your body's tissues. Having higher muscle mass boosts your metabolism, so your body burns more calories. So when you face the opposite—lack of muscle mass—it means a slower metabolism.
Another thing that can slow down metabolism is menopause. Although, for some women, the process doesn't start until their 50s, the transition to menopause can start in their 40s. And the hormonal changes associated with menopause can also make weight loss harder.

Why We Gain Weight After 40

There are many reasons for weight gain after age 40. Some are genetic, some are natural, and some are lifestyle choices.
The most important contributors to weight gain include:

Heredity: Scientists have found specific genes that determine how many fat cells we have and where they are stored. an area where your family is likely to store excess fat.

Hormones: One of the main causes of weight gain is, of course, our hormones, which start changing around our mid-30s and 40s. These hormonal changes, less estrogen for women and less testosterone for men, cause the fat in our bodies to shift to the midsection while neglecting other body parts that you don't care about. That's one of the reasons you may become a little more bloated in the middle while the rest of you are actually getting smaller.

Loss of Muscle: Like our metabolism, we also start to lose muscle when we hit our 40s, experiencing a steady decline with each decade. Part of this, scientists believe, is that the motor units that make up our muscles decline with age and that they don't always fire with the same regularity. In muscle loss is lack of physical activity, which makes exercise an important component to prevent muscle loss. (webmd.com)

Lower Metabolism: There are a number of things that happen to your metabolism after age 40. First, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) drops and, second, you expend less total energy (TEE) during exercise. Some experts suggest that metabolism can decline by about 5% for every decade after 40, meaning you need about 60-100 fewer calories every 10 years. If you've been sitting more, eating more, exercising less and dealing with more stress during the decade, you may need fewer calories than that. Add in the fact that you burn fewer calories during exercise and you have a lot in common for weight gain.

The Over-40 Challenge
The number one reason it gets harder to lose weight post-40 is that your metabolism slows down every year, making it harder to burn calories. You also tend to lose muscle mass as you age, and muscle burns calories more quickly than fat.
Decreased estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause can cause insulin sensitivity, which makes it harder for your body to control the amount of sugar in your blood. If your blood sugar levels are constantly spiking and dropping, it could increase your desire for unhealthy snacking.

Tips to Lose Weight After 40

Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight
Those who lose weight the most after 40 do so when they have a very clear reason why they want to be leaner. Perhaps you've watched the scales gain a pound or two each year and are ready to kick a bad habit, or you've been warned by a doctor that it's time to get serious about the weight loss, as it will have an effect on your overall health. You need to have a mental awakening that makes you ready to change. If you don't engage mentally it won't happen.

Detox Your Digestive System
Part of the reason why metabolism slows down with age is because buildup in the digestive tract clogs up your system and prevents your organs from functioning at peak performance levels. Once we remove the barrier, everything functions better, including elimination, digestion and metabolism.
In order to clean the pipes, it can be said, it is highly recommended to take more enzymes and fiber at the same time. Also, stay away from dairy, gluten, and refined sugar, which can clog you by creating more mucus in your system.

Eat *more* protein.
Your body has to work harder to digest protein than fat or carbohydrates, so doctors sometimes recommend strategies to increase protein intake to many of their clients, including women over 40. While I'm not promoting a very high protein diet, increasing your protein intake from 15 percent of your total calories to 30 percent can help you increase the calories your body burns during digestion, which may just help speed up weight loss.

Experts recommend between 20 and 30 grams of protein per meal It's important to include that amount of protein in all your meals, and ideally include high protein snacks as well. This helps prevent the breakdown of lean muscle protein which decreases the percentage of muscle mass, increases the percentage of fat, and slows down the metabolic rate. Muscles burn calories. No fat.

Don't Miss the Breakfast
Doctors often recommend a healthy breakfast such as oatmeal or whole wheat bread with fruit. This can help curb those morning hunger pangs that lead you to grab something unhealthy on the go or overeat at lunch. A small snack or snack every few hours can keep your appetite under control throughout the day.

Start your day with hot lemon water
In the morning, drink hot water with lemon. Water can increase metabolism by inducing thermogenesis, the metabolic process in which calories are burned, and lemons increase metabolism and aid in weight loss. This super easy concoction can help you burn tons of calories while you're getting ready in the morning. There's no need to think about this anymore.

Drink more water
When it comes to losing weight, what you drink is as important as what you eat. Well-hydrated people eat up to 206 fewer calories daily than those who skimp on H2O. And by “well hydrated”, we mean increasing your water intake to just 3 glasses a day! For middle-aged women, staying hydrated can have profound effects; Drinking ice water is a recommended solution to combat the hot flashes that often accompany menopause. For even more ways to hydrate and shed unwanted weight, add the best teas for weight loss to your list.

Indulge yourself with dark chocolate every day
Research supports something I can attest to myself and witness with my clients: establishing dark chocolate as a daily diet helps curb cravings for sweet and salty foods. Dark chocolate can also help reduce stress, a major emotional trigger for eating. Research found that consume about 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of stress hormones in volunteers who found themselves highly stressed.

5 boxes of 70% dark chocolate contain less than 250 calories, but provide antioxidants, fiber, and magnesium, a mineral linked to relaxation, improved sleep, and mood enhancement.
Knowing that they have a chocolate treat to look forward to has helped many of my clients pass on other, less satisfying, high-calorie, carb-laden items. Spread it throughout the day, or enjoy an ounce or more of dark chocolate as part of your daily "time of the day" ritual.

Increase Your Omega-3
We all know by now that adding omega-3-rich foods to your diet can help with weight loss — flaxseed, avocado and avocado oil, nuts, and oily fish like salmon are all good choices. Adding some omega-3s to the subjects' diet helped them lose more weight, keep it off longer, and prevent hunger pangs. But there are other health benefits that omega-3 fatty acids can have for women over the age of 40. A study published in the journal Menopause shows that it can help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, as shown in test subjects between the ages of 40. and 55.

Get Support to Lose Weight
For many people, it is easier to lose weight with other people than to do it alone. You can enter a weight loss contest at work, join a group on social media, or ask friends for a morning walk or class at the gym. Other people who share your goals can help you stay accountable and encourage you as you progress.

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