Ways to Lose Water Weight Naturally

How to Lose Water Weight Fast and Safely

     Water weight, also called edema, is very common and is rarely a concern. The human body contains approximately 60% water, which plays an important role in all aspects of life.
However, many people are concerned about the weight of the water. This is especially true for professional athletes and bodybuilders who want to fit into a weight category or improve their appearance.
Excess water retention, also known as edema, is a different problem. Although usually harmless, it may be a side effect of a serious medical condition, such as heart, liver, or kidney disease.
Women also may experience water retention during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.
Smart Ways to Lose Water Weight

Water Weight Definition

When you hold excess water weight, you will notice that your ankles, hands, and other extremities will appear slightly swollen. Annoying, yes—but perfectly normal.
Water weight is the extra water that hangs around tissues, joints and body cavities between cells. Another disadvantage of water weight? Little weight gain. Typically, the weight of water will make you five to 10 pounds heavier and could easily be the reason why you've gained weight this week.

How Do I Get Water Weight?

Your weight can fluctuate significantly throughout the day. While a five-pound change in weight is common for most people, the number can be much higher if you are overweight or obese. In a person with a body mass index of 40, 50, or more, there may be a 20-pound change in weight over the course of the day.
So why are these daily weight fluctuations happening? Water retention is a major trigger in most cases.
The food that you eat can cause your weight to shift during the day. According to a study published in 2010, about 22 percent of our water intake comes from food, although the amount can vary depending on our intake of fruits and vegetables. And increased intake of carbohydrates can also cause fluid retention
Salt sensitivity may cause you to gain weight in water. If you're insulin-resistant, you may experience more fluid retention. But anyone who consumes too much salt or who is particularly sensitive to salt may feel bloated and want to lose some water weight.

How to Manage Water Weight

So if most herbal remedies to get rid of water are ineffective and unregulated water pills have the potential to cause harm, is there a safe way to get rid of water? There are a number of methods that might help.
Decrease your sodium intake.
If you are sensitive to salt, watch the amount of salt you consume each day. And remember, sodium hides in a lot of the most unlikely of places. Most of the salt that we consume every day comes from processed foods such as canned food, fast food, and frozen food.

Take the Electrolyte
Electrolytes are minerals with an electric charge, such as potassium and magnesium.. They play a vital role in your body, including regulating water balance.
When electrolyte levels get too low or too high, they can cause a shift in fluid balance. This can cause an increase in the weight of the water.
You have to match your electrolyte intake with your water intake. If you drink a lot of water, you might need more electrolytes.
If you exercise every day or live in a hot or humid environment, you may need extra electrolytes to replace the electrolytes lost with sweat.
On the other hand, large amounts of electrolytes from supplements or salty foods, coupled with a low water intake, can have the opposite effect and increase water weight.

Eat a hydrating food.
Plan meals with fruit and vegetables that contain water to stay hydrated so that you don't bloat. Cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, lettuce, cabbage, celery, asparagus, and spinach are healthy foods rich in water. Some sources call these foods a "natural diuretic".

Drink some water.
This may seem like an odd recommendation for water weight loss by consuming water, but if you drink enough water every day, your body will use and excrete water properly.

Vitamin B-6 and magnesium oxide can be an effective natural solution for fluid retention.
This supplement works with the kidneys to help the body excrete extra water and sodium from the system.
Both of these supplements are very effective in relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS, including water retention. They can also reduce flatulence, swelling in the legs, and breast pain.
It is best for a person to speak with a doctor before taking any new supplements, as they can have side effects or interactions with other medications.

Exercise is great for boosting circulation. But exercise is particularly good for water-retaining diabetic patients. If you are insulin resistant, then daily exercise can help you lose weight as it improves insulin sensitivity.

Weight Gain in Water is Different From Gaining Fat.

Water weight does make you gain weight, but this is a different kind of weight gain than body fat. First, the weight of water is not related to the calories consumed or expended; Meanwhile, fat weight is linked to energy imbalances and is manipulated by eating fewer calories than you expend. The advantage of gaining water weight is that it will disappear. It's not permanent or contributes to long-term fat gain, says Sharp.

Water weight is rarely a cause of medical problems, although, in some cases, it can be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition.
Severe or serious water retention may include a tight appearance of the skin and skin that dimples when pressed. This is known as pitted edema.
Fluid retention that occurs together with coughing and shortness of breath, especially when lying down, may be a sign of fluid in the lungs or heart failure. It needs urgent medical attention.
Even if water retention is not severe, it is always best to consult a doctor if a person is concerned about the symptoms.
The weight of the water is usually not a cause for concern, but it can be uncomfortable and repetitive.
Reducing your intake of salt and carbohydrates, staying hydrated, and exercising frequently are all good ways to lose water weight and prevent it from coming back.

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