Alkaline Diet Plan for Weight Loss: Does It Work?

Alkaline Diet For Beginners

          This is what celebrities love: that an alkaline diet, also known as an alkaline ash diet or an acid-base diet, can help you lose weight and avoid problems like arthritis and cancer. The theory is that some foods, such as meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods, cause your body to produce acid, which is not good for you.
According to the "science" behind the diet, eating certain foods that make your body more alkaline can protect against the condition, as well as lose weight. The alkaline diet literally skyrocketed into the news when Victoria Beckham tweeted about an alkaline diet cookbook in January 2013. (everydayhealth)
Alkaline Diet Plan for Weight Loss

What Exactly Is An Alkaline Diet?
Although there is no research to support this claim, the premise of an alkaline diet is that the food you eat can change your body's pH. Diet promoters believe that by eating foods that are less acidic and more alkaline, you will be protected from several health problems.
The Acid-Gray Hypothesis
The diet centers on the unproven acid-grey hypothesis, which basically says eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and with moderate amounts of protein will increase your alkaline load and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Does an Alkaline Diet work?
It is impossible to change blood pH with diet. What many people believe to be the main benefit of an alkaline diet is wrong. An alkaline diet meal plan promotes the mistaken idea that it is possible to change the pH of the blood with diet. This is not true, and major changes in blood pH can even be life-threatening.
It is possible to alter the pH of urine and saliva with diet. However, when the pH of these fluids changes, the pH of the blood remains the same.

Alkalinity means that something has a pH higher than 7. The human body is naturally slightly alkaline, with the blood pH around 7.4.
Stomach is acidic, which enables it to digest food. Changes in the pH of saliva and urine are dependent on diet, metabolism, and other factors.
Several studies have shown that cancer cells grow more quickly in an acidic environment. Based on this research, proponents of an alkaline diet argue that a high blood pH may prevent cancer.
Research on alkalinity and cancer, however, typically involves cancer cells in petri dishes and not the human body. However, the foods that people eat on this diet may help some people maintain a healthy weight. Doing so may help prevent weight-related health problems such as diabetes.

How does the alkaline diet work?

An alkaline diet emphasizes consuming alkaline foods in an attempt to make your body's pH more alkaline. That said, it is not possible to change the pH of the body through diet. Indeed, actual body pH varies by region. For example, a more acidic stomach.
After all, a pH measure tells you how acidic or alkaline something is and ranges from 0 to 14.
pH Level in Body
7 - neutral
0 - very sour
14 - very alkaline

Is an Alkaline Diet Right For You?

You can lose weight and improve your health with different diet plans. If you are used to eating meat on a daily basis, going completely meat-free may seem impossible to you. In this case, I recommend looking for another way. Diet plans and programs only work if they are sustainable. If you find you can't eat this way for the rest of your life, it's going to be an uphill battle to survive. Even Kelly Ripa has admitted that she does not follow an alkaline to T diet. She reportedly drinks coffee with cream and enjoys rose and fish from time to time. This makes him human! We all have our bad qualities. We could all benefit from getting more products in our diets, but you don't need an alkaline diet to do that.

Alkaline Diet Food List: Meals You Should To Eat and Avoid

Diets are regulated around the pH of each individual food. Some versions are less restrictive, meaning they allow the grain for its health benefits even if the pH is slightly acidic. But in general, if you're following an alkaline diet, you should follow the food list below: avoid acidic foods, limit or avoid neutral foods, and focus on alkaline foods.
Acidic Foods to Avoid:
- poultry
- Fish
- Meats (especially corned beef, canned lunch meat, turkey, veal, and lean beef)
- Cheese hut
- milk
- yogurt
- Ice cream
- Cheese (especially Parmesan cheese, low-fat cheddar and hard cheese)
- Eggs (especially the yolk)
- Grains (brown rice, oat rolls, spaghetti, cornflakes, white rice, rye bread, whole wheat bread)
- nuts
- Alcohol
- Soda
- Peanut and walnut

Processed and other packaged foods
Food Neutrals to Limit:
- starch
- sugar
- Natural fats like olive oil, cream, butter and milk
Alkali Foods to Eat
- Fruits
- Unsweetened fruit juices
- raisins
- Black currant
- Vegetables (mainly spinach)
- potatoes
- Wine
- Mineral sparkling water
- soybean meal
- legumes
- Seeds
- Sugar
There are also no specific meal plan guidelines. You can follow recipes online or from an alkaline diet cookbook, or simply use a list of alkaline foods to make your own dish.

Is an alkaline diet good for certain conditions?

Following an alkaline diet means choosing fruits and vegetables over high-calorie and higher-fat options. You will also avoid fast food, which often contains a lot of sodium.
That's great news for heart health because these measures help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, which are big risk factors for heart disease.

Keeping a healthy weight is also crucial in preventing and treating diabetes and osteoarthritis.
Some studies have found that an alkaline environment can make certain chemotherapy drugs more effective or less toxic. But it hasn't been shown that an alkaline diet can do this or help prevent cancer. If you have cancer, discuss with your doctor or dietitian about your nutritional needs before you start any kind of diet.

The emphasis on the fruits and vegetables that are at the heart of an alkaline diet offers the promise of healthy weight loss. No special supplies or supplements are required.
You will have the best success with it if you like choosing and experimenting with new foods and love to cook. But adhering to an alkaline diet will be difficult for many people.

Many favorite foods are allowed in moderation in other plans prohibited here. Protein is limited to plant-based food sources such as beans and tofu. This means that you need to make sure you are getting enough protein and calcium.
Eating out can be a challenge too. If you travel a lot for work or have a busy schedule, you may feel stuck with all the choices and food preparation.

Many alkaline diets fail to address a key factor in weight loss and successful health: exercise. You have to include fitness in the healthy eating plan you choose. The American Heart Association and CDC recommend getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. If you have a medical problem or are unwell, speak to your doctor first.

A diet that is rich in variety is the healthiest option. People should target a diet that includes a variety of different proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals.
Removing one food group or food type from the diet can make it harder for a person to be healthy. An alkaline diet very low in protein can help people lose weight, but it can also increase the risk of other problems, such as weak bones and muscles.

People who want to try an alkaline diet should make sure that they eat enough protein. Those who are able to eat enough protein on an alkaline diet can safely give it a try.
Although an alkaline diet doesn't actually change blood pH, it can help you eat a variety of healthy foods, improving overall health.
If you have a serious medical condition or a history of nutritional problems it is best to consult a doctor before trying this diet.

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