Carnivore Diet For Weight Loss Review

The Carnivore Diet For Women

      People come to the Carnivore Diet plan for many reasons. Some people experiment in order to regain physical or mental health. Others want more focus and energy to fuel their job. Some desire more performance in the gym and in their sport. Many come off the Ketogenic Diet when joint pain or autoimmune problems persist or weight loss has stalled. But the primary cause people come to The Carnivore Diet meal plan is for losing weight.

The Carnivorous Diet consists entirely of meat and animal products, excluding all other foods.
It is claimed to aid weight loss, mood issues, and blood sugar regulation, among other health concerns.
However, the diet is very restrictive and may not be healthy in the long run. Plus, there is no research to support its benefits.
Carnivore Diet For Weight Loss Review

Carnivore Diet Definition

The Carnivore Diet is a strict diet that includes only meat, fish, and other animal foods such as eggs and certain dairy products. (healthline) This does not include all other foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, nuts, and seeds.
Its proponents also recommend eliminating or limiting dairy intake to foods that are low in lactose - the sugar found in milk and dairy products - such as butter and hard cheese.

The Carnivorous Diet stems from the controversial belief that human ancestors ate mostly meat and fish and that high-carbohydrate diets are to blame for today's high rates of chronic disease.
Other popular low-carb diets, such as the keto and paleo diets, limit but do not exclude carb intake. However, the Carnivorous Diet aims for zero carbs.
Shawn Baker, a former American orthopedic physician, is the most famous proponent of the Carnivorous Diet.

He cites testimonials from those who follow the Carnivorous Diet as evidence that it can treat depression, anxiety, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, and more.
However, there are no studies analyzing the effects of the Carnivorous Diet.
What's more, in 2017 Baker's medical license was revoked by the New Mexico Medical Council because of concerns about his competence.

Is It True Carnivore Diet for Weight Loss?

Someone who is already thin and in good shape told me that they wanted to experiment with the Carnivorous Diet to lose fat. Usually people want to have a torn six pack or bikini body with a reasonable low body fat level.
Consumption of carnivore diet foods is consistent with what we plan to eat, resulting in natural levels of body fat. And for most people, single-digit body fat isn't natural. The body feels a lot more "safe" when it has a slightly more energy reserve than that.

Many people have body fat levels well above their natural set point. And the further one is above this natural set point, the more dramatic the results. But for people who are closer to their natural body fat (not to mention those who are already extremely thin) – they may experience the opposite – fat and weight.
There are many people like John. They are losing fat. And they lose it quickly. They are feeling better. They look even better. And they never thought about leaving the diet again.
However, for every several "Johns" there is a "Sally." It feels unfair, she is the one who has worked to stay healthy and fit. But often a "Sally" has to take a step or two back before taking a step forward.

Is Carnivore Diet Good for Weight Loss?

The diet may be beneficial if tried for a shorter time, but is not sustainable in the long term.
Be prepared for a potential deficiency of nutrients in your body, including essentials like magnesium, sodium, folate and potassium as well. There is no scientific support for anything the diet claims, so nutritionists and experts generally recommend against it.

Eliminating entire food groups is bound to have dire consequences if done too long.
Vegetables and fruits are some of the foods that contain the highest levels of nutrients needed by the body for healthy functioning.
Too much protein in meat may not be ideal for your body in the long term.
On the whole, following a carnivorous diet can only result in a number of deficiencies in the body, which are detrimental to your overall health in the long run.

The Carnivore Diet Health Benefits

Weight Loss
Similar to the ketogenic diet, eating a strict meat diet can help you lose weight more quickly and more effectively than any other diet. By eating only fat and protein from animal sources, you are diverting your body's main energy source from carbohydrates to fat.
When you adapt to fat – also known as ketosis – your metabolism can use stored body fat and food for fuel. You can burn your own body fat and use it for energy.
Plus, fats and protein are very filling. You will find yourself able to continue your day for several hours without even thinking about food. Research has also shown that being fat-adapted increases your hunger hormones, further regulating your appetite.

Increase in Testosterone
Healthy fats are responsible for optimal function of hormones, including testosterone. Diets that are high in healthy fats have been shown to increase testosterone levels[*].
Because you eat lots of healthy fats and protein on a carnivore diet, you'll see an increase in muscle mass, strength, and energy. And if you're a girl, don't worry. The increased fat will regulate your hormones, including testosterone, it won't increase them.

Reducing Inflammation
Inflammation can be made worse when carbohydrate-rich foods are consumed. Vegetable oils, processed foods, and even some nutrients in plants have been linked to an increase in the inflammatory response in the body.
Having less inflammation through a carnivorous diet results in less soreness and aches. The extra collagen from a protein source will also improve cartilage health.

Less Digestive Issues
We have been led to believe that fiber is vital for healthy digestion. But people who follow a carnivorous diet believe otherwise, with science to back it up.
A study conducted in 2012 found that reducing fiber intake in people with chronic constipation saw significant improvements in their symptoms as well as gas, bloating, and tension. The group that ate the high fiber did not see a change in their constipation symptoms.

Mental Clarity
Many carnivores have reported an increase in focus, energy, and mental clarity. This may be due to restriction of carbohydrates, being adaptable to fat, and using ketones (fats) for energy.
Studies have shown that ketones have neuroprotective properties and that the brain actually prefers fat for energy over carbohydrates.

Disadvantages of the Carnivorous Diet
Due to its highly restrictive nature and the total elimination of most food groups, there are many disadvantages to the Carnivorous Diet.

High in fat, cholesterol and sodium
Given that the Carnivore Diet consists only of animal foods, it can be high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Saturated fat can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can increase your risk of heart disease
However, recent studies have shown that a high intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is not as closely linked to a higher risk of heart disease as previously believed.
However, consuming high amounts of saturated fat on the Carnivorous Diet may be a cause for concern. There are no studies analyzing the effects of eating animal foods exclusively. Therefore, the effect of consuming such high levels of fat and cholesterol is unknown.

Some processed meats, particularly bacon and breakfast meats, are also high in sodium.
Eating a lot of these foods on a Carnivorous Diet can lead to excessive sodium intake, which has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, kidney disease, and other negative health outcomes.
Intake of processed meats has also been linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer, including colon and rectal cancer.

Doesn't provide fiber
Fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate that promotes gut health and healthy bowel movements, is found only in plant foods. So, the Carnivore Diet contains no fiber, which can cause constipation in some people. Fiber is very important for the balance of bacteria in your intestines. In fact, suboptimal gut health can lead to a number of problems and can even be linked to weakened immunity and colon cancer.
One study in 17 men with obesity found that a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet significantly lowered levels of compounds that help protect against colon cancer, compared to a high-protein, moderate-carbohydrate diet. Overall, following the Carnivore Diet can be detrimental to your gut health.

May lack certain micronutrients and beneficial plant compounds
The Carnivore Diet eliminates highly nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, all of which contain beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Although meat is nutritious and provides micronutrients, it should not be the only part of your diet. Following a strict diet such as the Carnivorous Diet can lead to deficiencies of some nutrients and overconsumption of others.

What's more, diets rich in plant-based foods have been associated with a lower risk of certain chronic conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers, Alzheimer's, and type 2 diabetes.
This is not only due to the high vitamin, fiber and mineral content of plant-based foods but also beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants.
The Carnivore Diet does not contain these compounds and is not associated with any long-term health benefits.

Maybe not suitable for some populations
The Carnivorous Diet may be very problematic for certain populations.
For example, those who need to limit their protein intake, including those with chronic kidney disease, should not follow the diet.
Also, those who are more sensitive to cholesterol in the diet, or cholesterol hyperresponders, should be careful about eating too many high-cholesterol foods.
Furthermore, certain populations with special nutritional needs will most likely not meet them on the Carnivorous Diet. This includes children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Finally, those who have food anxiety or struggle with eating restrictions should not try this diet.

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