How to Maintain Weight After Losing It

How To Maintain A Healthy Weight And Body Shape

      Losing weight is difficult for many people, it is even more difficult to maintain weight. Most people who lose a significant amount of weight have it back 2 to 3 years later. One theory about regaining lost weight is that people who reduce the number of calories they consume to lose weight experience a decrease in their body's rate of calorie burning. This makes it even more difficult to lose weight over the course of several months. A lower calorie burn rate may also make it easier to gain weight back after a more normal diet is resumed. For this reason, extremely low-calorie diets and rapid weight loss are not recommended.

It is recommended to lose weight by no more than 1/2 to 2 pounds weekly. Incorporating long-term lifestyle changes is necessary to increase the odds of successful long-term weight loss.
Losing weight to a weight that is healthy for one's height can increase health benefits. These include blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress on bones and joints, and doing less work for the heart. It is very important to maintain weight loss to reap the health benefits of a lifetime.
Keeping the extra pounds off takes effort and commitment, just like losing weight. Weight loss goals are achieved by a combination of changes in diet, eating habits, and exercise. In extreme cases, people turn to bariatric surgery.
How to Maintain Weight After Losing It

Why People Gain Back Weight

There is a reason why people regain the weight they lost. They are mostly associated with unrealistic expectations and feelings of lack. Strict diet: Extreme calorie restriction can slow your metabolism and alter your appetite-regulating hormones, both of which are contributing factors to weight gain.
Wrong mindset: When you think of dieting as a quick fix, rather than a long-term solution to improving your health, you're more likely to give up and regain the lost weight.
Lack of sustainable habits: Many diets are based on whims rather than habits you can incorporate into your daily life. They focus on rules rather than lifestyle changes, which can lead to discouragement and prevent weight maintenance.

How To Maintain A Certain Weight

The tips below will help you move from the dieting phase, through the transition phase and finally to the maintenance phase, where your weight stays steady. To increase your chances of permanent weight loss success, try to incorporate these habits into your lifestyle as you go through all phases of your diet journey.

Cut the calories
Some experts believe that managing your weight successfully boils down to a simple equation: If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. Sounds easy, right? So why is losing weight so hard?
Losing your weight is not a linear event. When you cut calories, you might lose weight for the first few weeks, for example, and then things change. You eat the same number of calories but you lose less or no weight. That's because when you lose weight, you lose water and lean and fat tissue, your metabolism slows, and your body changes in other ways. So, in order to continue losing weight every week, you must continue to cut calories.

Calories are not always calories. Eating one hundred calories of high-fructose corn syrup, for example, can have a different effect on your body than eating one hundred calories of broccoli. The trick to sustainable weight loss is to get rid of foods that are packed with calories but don't make you feel full and replace them with foods that fill you with no calories.
Some of us eat not only to satisfy hunger. We also turn to food for comfort or to relieve stress—which can quickly derail weight loss plans.

Moderate weight loss is the best.
Doctors recommend dieters lose no more than one to two pounds per week.. This conservative approach helps patients avoid the health risks associated with drastic weight loss. It also allows dieters to learn new eating habits that will protect their weight loss in the long term. Portion control, healthy snacks, regular exercise, and reading nutrition labels are the main skills you will master if you choose a slower approach to weight loss.

Make the transition slowly from the diet stage
Once you've reached your target weight, the worst thing you can do is continue your old eating habits. Remember that eating habits are what cause weight gain. It makes sense to gradually increase your calorie intake, but experts generally recommend adding only 200 calories per week until your weight stabilizes.
You can lose weight according to your diet alone. (1) But in order to maintain weight loss, physical activity is an absolute must, says James O. Hill, PhD, co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry, a national database of more than 10,000 people who have lost an average of 66 pounds and are keeping it off. decreased by 5.5 years on average.
Most people on the registry move around for about an hour a day, and walking is their activity of choice. If walking for 60 minutes straight sounds scary, it's okay to stop it, or do something else that you enjoy, Kahan says.

Eat Breakfast Daily
Eating breakfast may help you with your weight maintenance goals.
Breakfast eaters tend to have healthier habits overall, such as getting more exercise and consuming more fiber and micronutrients.
In addition, breakfast is one of the most common behaviors reported by individuals who have managed to maintain weight loss.
One study found that 78% of 2,959 people who maintained a 14 kg weight loss for at least one year reported eating breakfast every day.

However, while people who eat breakfast seem very successful at maintaining weight loss, the evidence is mixed.
Studies don't show that skipping breakfast automatically causes weight gain or worse eating habits
In fact, skipping breakfast may even help some people reach their weight loss and weight maintenance goals. This may be one thing that comes down to the individual.
If you feel that breakfast helps you stick to your goals, then you should eat it. But if you don't like breakfast or are not hungry in the morning, there's no harm in skipping it.

Keep the spirit
Permanent weight loss requires healthy changes to your lifestyle and dietary choices. To stay motivated: Find a section that excites you. Social support is very meaningful. Programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers use support groups to influence weight loss and healthy eating for a lifetime. Look for support—whether in the form of family, friends, or a support group—to get the encouragement you need.

Slow and steady won the race. Losing weight too fast can take a toll on your mind and body, leaving you feeling sluggish, tired, and sick. Aim to lose one to two pounds a week so that you lose fat rather than water and muscle.
Set a goal to keep yourself motivated. Short-term goals, like wanting to wear a bikini for the summer, usually don't work and wanting to feel more confident or be healthier for the sake of your children. When temptation strikes, focus on the benefits you will derive from being healthier.

Find the Support System
It can be difficult to maintain your target weight on your own. The tip for dealing with it is to find a support system that will hold you accountable and perhaps partner with you in your healthy lifestyle.
Several studies have shown that having a friend to pursue your goals can help with weight control, especially if the person is a partner or a partner with similar healthy habits.
One of these studies looked at the health behaviors of more than 3,000 couples and found that when one person engages in a healthy habit, such as exercise, the other is more likely to follow their example.

Diets can be restrictive and unrealistic, which often causes the weight to come back up.
However, there are lots of simple changes you can make to your habits that are easy to make and will help you maintain your weight loss in the long term.
Through your travels, you'll realize that controlling your weight involves more than what you eat. Exercise, sleep and mental health also play a part.
Weight maintenance can be easy if you just adopt a new lifestyle, instead of going on and stopping your weight loss diet.

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